In the fuzz world there's a big debate between fuzzes. Originally the most popular was the Fuzz Face, a huge, weird, round pedal with one thing going for it; Jimi Hendrix used them. Thing is, by the time they became a "known" and that there was a large enough market for them, the Fuzz Face "formula" was changed to using a different chip.
You see, when chips are made, they are made in wafers and cooked in a furnace. The chips closer to the middle are cooked differently than those closer to the walls. Germanium chips vary wildly in this aspect, and to get a consistent product, you have to spend many man hours getting them correct. The market was not large enough in the 60's to warrant that. Silicon chips are much more consistent, the placement of them in the oven does not affect them nearly as much as Germanium. So this is the reason for the switch.
Day 45
Ugh, I've got a seriously bad sore throat. It would not be so bad for practicing, but coughing so much makes my brain slosh around and gives me a headache. So I basically just practiced quiet chords and unplugged blues and rock stuff.
I did plug in to Rocksmith today though, I'm pretty sure that's a condition of the challenge lol. I had it turned down while doing my practice tracks(chords 101, 301, the Hammer on practice track) and played Guitarcade(string skip, chordead, Scale Racer). You know, you get used to playing so loud you can't really hear your own strings all that much... but nothing makes you sound like a "newb" to your own ear than doing all this stuff with the twang of an unplugged in guitar lol.
That's one of the things I figured they should have done better with in the 60 day success story adverts on Youtube. They should have recorded the sound directly and not so much with a mic near the player. I think the players were even better than they sounded because the string sound was twanging around in the background while they played, and that just messes with people's hearing and expectations.
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