It is weird some of the things you realize about yourself. I've known for quite some time that I try to get the strap that matches best with my instruments, to me it was common sense, something everyone does, right? Well apparently I have something deeper than that.
Realizing a problem is the first step to fixing it.
I hope.
This is the part where I be a responsible example and tell you that you should pick a strap based on comfort first and looks last. But, come on. That works if you're being all "zen master" but we all know its more "oh this looks cool... is it comfortable". Its fine to go for looks, just DO NOT FORGET the comfort part. Oh and its physics, if your guitar is hurting your shoulder because its heavier than you're used to, get a wider strap. Padding can help, but not as much as adding an extra inch of wideness.
Day 29
So today I jammed out with a kazoo. Yea, I'm surprised as you are. There is actually a kazoo in the Session feature and its featured in a band i had to use for a mission. My guitar has enough fuzz on it to basically be a kazoo, so sometimes it was hard to tell them apart lol. It was a nice, uppity ditty in Pentatonic Major in the key of C I think it was. Maybe it was A. Not my cup of tea, but a fun experience none-the-less. You kazoo players take heart, someone in Rocksmith is carrying the torch to legitimize your musical instrument of choice!
I also played in a "Newgrass" blues based country band. I played in Pent Major again, but this time in G. So far the key of G is my favorite for blues playing, so this was actually pretty cool. I'm no where near as good with the Major Pent as I am with Minor though, but practice practice practice as they say. Speaking of things in the key of G, I'm currently practicing transitions out and into G with the chords I already know. This is going to open up several new paths for me, song wise. I honestly can't remember if I have said this already, but watching a Foreign Film with Subtitles really helps me stay in one spot, and focus while I play through the chords. I live in a world where since middle school they have taught multi-tasking as the "normal" resting state, and worked as a chef where the difference between good and bad is how well you can multi-task, so its hard for me now to sit there and do one task and not feel like I'm wasting time. I know watching a film and practicing are technically 2 things, but it could be much much worse.
I really need to redo all my preset sounds. My mainstay, based on a plexi/OCD overdrive sound just doesn't have enough low end to sound nice when palm muting, and also it has a little too much dirt for the kind of stuff I'm practicing with these days. I still never got a fuzz I liked, but then again I'm not playing anything where fuzz fits all that much. I think tomorrow I'm going to get a cleaner, fatter over drive for my primary, and a high gain "High on Fire" sound for a backup.
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